Alex's description of his trip with Laylah to SF

Alex wrote a detailed day by day account of his trip to San Francisco with Laylah. He introduced the posts thus:
Two wonderful weeks, and now we even get to POST about them... wow! I hardly know where to start, so I'll follow the excellent advice that Alice was given: start at the beginning, and, when you come to the end, stop...

These posts will be cut up at reasonable length and chronological boundaries - this one happens to cover just the first day, 3/11. As there's so much to relate, I have not been editing as carefully as usual, so I apologize for any errors!

General disclaimer: there may be a largish amount of material not directly related to a.s.b, and what IS so related may be not to your taste, as we do a large range of play, from the sweetest D/S and spanking to cuts, burns, &tc - and I'm just describing what actually happened. Flames welcome, but I may well flame you back...:-)

I tried to remember to get permission from everybody we met to mention them on a.s.b ... but forgot in a few cases... and didn't keep written notes, so if you find yourself unexpectedly unmentioned here, I apologize, but it must be one of the cases about which I was uncertain - sorry! Incidentally, if anybody wonders whether it's all right to mention me and/or Laylah in posts here, go ahead - blanket permission granted.