
Making Money Fast Schemes

Many people on the Internet will try to get rich quick, and will try to get you to send them money with attempts to get *you* some quick cash.

Don't do it.

Posts like FASTCASH.TXT and MAKE.MONEY.FAST are variations of the old pyramid scheme. If you get in at the bottom, you aren't going to make any money. Pyramid schemes are considered mail fraud when conducted through US mail, and the illegality of posting these things is being discussed as wire fraud in the United States. These schemes are also illegal according to local or Federal Law for many other countries.

These posts often tell you to crosspost the Get-Rich-Quick scheme to between 10 and 200 newsgroups. Don't do this! MANY people reading news will report you to your news admin or postmaster. Many people will reply to you with angry emails. And others will send your name and address to the IRS so they can look into any unreported income for those in the USA paying Income Tax.

Just so you know, many schools and online providers *will* cancel your e-mail account if you post these schemes to newsgroups or send them to other people. So be safe-- just say NO to fast-money schemes.

For more information, please read:

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Last Updated: Sunday, October 29, 2000

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